Saturday, May 31, 2008

free collection resetter canon


MP Tool v0.9.2

MP Tool v0.9.2

MP Tool versi 0.9.2 adalah software resetter untuk printer Canon type MPxx.
Adapun type yang dapat direset oleh sofware ini adalah :
MP150, MP160, MP170, MP180, MP450, dan MP460

Berbeda dengan sofware resetter lainnya, sofware ini penggunaan sangat mudah.
Silahkan anda download dari situs resminya, yaitu:

Mungkin anda kesulitan, karena situs ini berbahasa Rusia. Tapi jangan kuatir, anda juga bisa download di sini:


Service Manual Epson Stylus Photo R200-R210

Service Manual Epson Stylus Photo R200-R210

  1. Troubleshooting.
  2. Disassembly and Assembly.
  3. Adjusments.
  4. Maintenance.
  5. Appendix.

DOWNLOAD Epson Stylus Photo R200-R210


Resetting Epson Stylus C58

Found another great sharing of printer resetter here you can found alot of Epson driver at divshare here
Here the screenshot :

You can also reset and fix yor Epson R270, R240, R250, R220, RX700, RX600, RX3700, RX3800, CX1500, CX2800, C63, C79, CX3900, C59, C45, CX4100, R1800, CX5900, C90.

This Epson C58 most of them are modifing because the refill ink are often makes trouble. Download here

Here some tips if you still get error after changing the date:
1. delete folder ;C:\Adjustment Program\Stylus C58
delete the folder registry not just the key
3. Don't forget to set the date into 9 Nop 06 before running the program

Canon Pixma ip1000

Here's some tips for your Canon Pixma IP1000. I have two IP1000 printer, one is broken because the head need to be replaced, but the other is still powerful. I like this printer because the simple operational
the low budget, the one that I like most is the fast printing.
The problem that I have when using this printer is when the ink waste absorber is full, and he start to blink. Ok guys, Here's some tips for you who still use this printer.

How to physically change the ink waste absorber? Pixma ip1000
The waste ink absorbers can be found at the bottom of the printer case.
Normally you'll have to open the printer case, loose the screws of the print unit and remove the hole print unit from the lower part of the printer case.

4 step to Reset waste ink tank counter CANON PIXMA iP 1000
STEP 1:- Disconnect printer from AC power
STEP 2:- Press and HOLD the POWER button, and connect printer to AC power
STEP 3:- release the the POWER button
STEP 4:- Press the POWER button again

If your IP1000 Blinking try this Tips :
Step 1: Manual for Service mode
1. Unplug POWER and USB cables.
2. Open door, PRESS and HOLD the POWER button.
3. Connect the POWER cable.
4. Close door, then release POWER button.
5. Power ON your printer a usual (It should not blinking anymore)

Step 2 : Software for Permanant
1. Reconnect the USB cable and turn ON your Printer
2. Open "General Tools for iP1500", Downloadh The Software here
3. Select (USB PORT)
It should be working, coz my printer now work normally

Friday, May 30, 2008

EPSON Stylus Color

EPSON Stylus Color

Pressing and holding ALT+FONT+LOAD+PAUSE buttons combination, press POWER button.
Release all buttons.

EPSON Stylus Color 300

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons

In 2-3 seconds time press LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons again.

EPSON Stylus Color 400, 600

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and release LOAD/EJECT button.

EPSON Stylus Color 440, 640, 740, 460, 660, 670, 760, 860, 880, 1160

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold CLEANING button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Color 680

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold LOAD/EJECT button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Color 800, 850

Pressing and holding LOAD, CLEANING Color and CLEANING Black buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and release CLEANING Color button, You will see leds blinking.

EPSON Stylus Color 900, 980

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking INK OUT led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold CLEANING button for 10-12 seconds.

EPSON Stylus Color 3000

Pressing and holding PAUSE, LF/FF and DOWN ARROW buttons turn on printer.
Release all buttons.

EPSON Stylus Photo 785, 895

Pressing and holding Maintenance and Roll Paper buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking Error led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time until led is blinking press and hold for 10-12 seconds Roll Paper button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Photo 890, 1280, 1290

Pressing and holding Maintenance and Roll Paper buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking Power led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time until led is blinking press and hold for 10-12 seconds Roll Paper button, until all leds will blink.
In 2-3 seconds time press LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons again.

EPSON Stylus Color 400, 600

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and release LOAD/EJECT button.

EPSON Stylus Color 440, 640, 740, 460, 660, 670, 760, 860, 880, 1160

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold CLEANING button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Color 680

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold LOAD/EJECT button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Color 800, 850

Pressing and holding LOAD, CLEANING Color and CLEANING Black buttons, press POWER button and hold it until You will see blinking INK OUT and PAPER OUT leds.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and release CLEANING Color button, You will see leds blinking.

EPSON Stylus Color 900, 980

Pressing and holding LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking INK OUT led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time press and hold CLEANING button for 10-12 seconds.

EPSON Stylus Color 3000

Pressing and holding PAUSE, LF/FF and DOWN ARROW buttons turn on printer.
Release all buttons.

EPSON Stylus Photo 785, 895

Pressing and holding Maintenance and Roll Paper buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking Error led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time until led is blinking press and hold for 10-12 seconds Roll Paper button, until all leds will blink.

EPSON Stylus Photo 890, 1280, 1290

Pressing and holding Maintenance and Roll Paper buttons, press POWER button, You will see blinking Power led.
Release all buttons.
In 2-3 seconds time until led is blinking press and hold for 10-12 seconds Roll Paper button, until all leds will blink.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

The waste-ink counter for the BJ F900, F890, F700, F500, S900, S820, S750 and S520

The waste-ink counter for the BJ F900, F890, F700, F500, S900, S820, S750 and S520 are all reset in the same manner.

Turn off the printer.

Press and hold the RESUME button, then press and hold the POWER button.

Release the RESUME button, then press and release the RESUME button two more times in succession. (youre still holding the POWER button during this). The printer mechanics will move momentarily.

You are now in Service mode.

Pressing the RESUME key will select a function; for example, pressing RESUME 4 times will select the clear waste ink counter function. The lamp will alternate color with each key press.

1. service/factory test printout, including ink sensor check
2. EEPROM info printout
3. EEPROM initialization
4. Clear the waste-ink counter
5. Printer model setting. (more selections beyond this- leave this alone)

After selecting mode, press the POWER button to commit the change, and return to the top of the function selection menu. Pressing the POWER button again turns off the printer for a restart.

If you have a defective printer head, your power lamp may flash during the service mode key-in, and info printouts may not work. In this case, clearing the waste-ink counter may not fix your problem.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


actually i,m also using C67, C68 and C87 epson printer with CISS or continuous ink supply system but unfortunately this practice waste me a lot of ink just by doing printhead clean-up.
this technology is not really worth buying for.

this because if can can just figure out how this printer feed ink by original cartridges you can see easily the problem brought by this CISS.

Basically the main problem is the pressure difference between the tank and the ink delivery cartridges with the built-in auto reset chips, this, even just simple pressure calculations you can actually derive a negative pressure pulling the ink towards the tank,
every after printing (if you can notice) you have to do the routine head clean-up and therefore wasting a lot of ink. base from experience it would be much better if you just refill the original cartridge and transfer the auto reset chips to the genuine cartridges.

so by doing this you can save the life of your printerhead, ink pad etc. also the original cartridge contain a sponge which also aid in filtering the refilled ink unlike the ciss cartridge that has none.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

reset tipe i320, i255, i1000, i1200, i1600, i1700, i2200 i880.

Cuma pengen berbagi pengalaman nih, saya udah lama make printer canon mulai dari type yang i320, i255, i1000, i1200, i1600, i1700, i2200 sekarang i880. diantara semua type itu yang paling awet mudah resetnya itu yang i320, 255 n i1000. kalo udah blink pertama reset manual dulu:
1. matiin power (cabut kabel)
2. tekan resume
3. colok power (masih tekan resume), trus lepas resumenya
4. trus tekan resume 4 kali (bakal kelihatan lampu -orange-hijau-orange-hijau)
5. lepas resume
6. turn off power then turn on
abis itu baru di reset pake softwarenya. nah kalo utk yang seri i200, i1300, i1600, i1700, i2200, cara reset manualnya agak beda dikit yaitu pada langkah ke empat cuma di tekan 2 kali saja, tapi kadang ada printer dr type ini yang tidak bisa di reset manual. jadi selama pengalaman saya ada yang bisa di reset manual ada yang tidak. jadi cara saya utk ngatasi sering-sering di cek pake software reseternya (general tools) utk lihat jumlah printingnya udah berapa halaman, jadi sebelum blinking ya direset software dulu. utk software resetenya yang saya punya ada utk i320, i1000, i1200,ip13000,ip15000,i1600, i1300,i1700, i2000,i2200, ip1880,1100,2500 semuanya ada di blog ini coba aja deh GRATIS , semoga bermanfaat.